The Clued in Mystery podcast explores mystery and the different ways we enjoy the genre through books, TV, film, and podcasts.
Your hosts Brook Peterson and Sarah M Stephen love reading, watching, listening to, and talking about mysteries. Join us as we celebrate good mysteries everywhere.
Priest. Author. Creator of mystery’s “ten commandments”. Original member of the Detection Club. Ronald Knox was an early influence on the mystery genre, yet his writing is not widely known. In today’s episode, Brook and Sarah discuss their theories on why as they explore the life and work of this mystery pioneer.
“Studies in the Literature of Sherlock Holmes” (1912) Ronald A. Knox
The Viaduct Murders (1925) Ronald A. Knox
“The Adventure of the First Class Carriage” (1947) Ronald A. Knox
A Book of Acrostics (1924) Ronald A. Knox
The Life of Right Reverend Ronald Knox (1959) Evelyn Waugh
War of the Worlds (1938 broadcast) Orson Welles
The Footsteps at the Loch (1928) Ronald A. Knox
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